Thursday 27 December 2007

this photo was (obviously) clarted around with creatively, a bit too much perhaps but when you can save multiple images why not?
this was a dull day to start with and I think a dull day is beyond my photographic capabilities; fog: yes, but that general even greyness makes it difficult to get anything to look interesting but then the sun began to shine through the cloud, and I caught it behind the angel at the Haymarket in Newcastle. its interesting, I've never really looked at the statue with much interest before today.

I've photographed Tynemouth a lot but this was a nice catch, I don't know what kind of birds they were but they make a good foreground or perhaps the Priory makes a good background. I was surprised thy didn't fly off as I crept closer, crows certainly don't seem to like having their picture taken but these didn't seem to mind

1 comment:

Dave Middleton said...

Any idea of the colours? Red chests? The shapes could be Bullfinches. If that's the case, lucky you!